$$ \huge{\underline{\textbf{ Iterative Policy Evaluation }}} $$

Implementation of Iterative Policy Evaluation
from Sutton and Barto 2018, chapter 4.1.
Book available for free here

From Sutton and Barto (2018) Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, chapter 4.1

In [1]:
# Naive implementation (for loops are slow), but matches the box exactly
def iter_policy_eval(env, policy, gamma, theta):
    """Iterative Policy Evaluation
        env - environment with following required memebers:
            env.nb_states - number of states
            env.nb_action - number of actions
            env.model     - prob-transitions and rewards for all states and actions, see note #1
        policy (2d array) - policy to evaluate, rows must sum to 1
        gamma (float) - discount factor
        theta (float) - termination condition
    V = np.zeros(env.nb_states)
    while True:
        delta = 0
        for s in range(env.nb_states):
            v = V[s]
            tmp = 0
            for a in range(env.nb_actions):
                for p, s_, r, _ in env.model[s][a]:                   # see note #1 !
                    # p  - transition probability from (s,a) to (s')
                    # s_ - next state (s')
                    # r  - reward on transition from (s,a) to (s')
                    tmp += policy[s,a] * p * (r + gamma * V[s_])
            V[s] = tmp
            delta = max(delta, abs(v - V[s]))
        if delta < theta: break
    return V

Note #1

env.model parameter is taken directly from OpenAI API for FrozenLake-v1 (where it is called env.P, see below). It is a nested structure which describes transition probabilities and expected rewards, for example:

>>> env.model[6][0]
[(0.3333333333333333, 2, 0.0, False),
 (0.3333333333333333, 5, 0.0, True),
 (0.3333333333333333, 10, 0.0, False)]

Has following meaning:

  • from state 6 and taking action 0, there is 0.33 probability transitioning to state 2, with reward 0.0, transition is non-terminal
  • from state 6 and taking action 0, there is 0.33 probability transitioning to state 5, with reward 0.0, transition is terminal, MDP ends
  • from state 6 and taking action 0, there is 0.33 probability transitioning to state 10, with reward 0.0, transition is non-terminal

See diagram

Vectorised Implementation

Vectorised Implementation. Updates V "on copy", while non-vectorised updates "in place", so numerically intermediate steps will differ.

In [2]:
def iter_policy_eval_vec(env, policy, gamma, theta):
    V, v = np.zeros(env.nb_states), np.zeros(env.nb_states)
    P_pi, R_pi = flatten_mdp(env, policy)
    while True:
        np.copyto(v, V)
        V = R_pi + gamma * P_pi @ V
        delta = np.max(np.abs(v - V))
        if delta < theta: break

    return V

Helper functions

In [3]:
def flatten_mdp(env, policy):
    """Flatten MDP to MRP"""
    # Could use sparse matrices to save memory
    P_pi = np.zeros([env.nb_states, env.nb_states])  # transition probability matrix (s) to (s')
    R_pi = np.zeros([env.nb_states])                 # exp. reward from state (s) to any next state
    for s in range(env.nb_states):
        for a in range(env.nb_actions):
            for p, s_, r, _ in env.model[s][a]:
                # p  - transition probability from (s,a) to (s')
                # s_ - next state (s')
                # r  - reward on transition from (s,a) to (s')
                P_pi[s, s_] += policy[s,a] * p    # transition probability (s) -> (s')
                R_pi[s] += policy[s,a] * p * r    # exp. reward from (s) to any next state
    assert np.alltrue(np.sum(P_pi, axis=-1)==np.ones([env.nb_states]))  # rows should sum to 1
    return P_pi, R_pi

Eval Random Policy on FrozenLake-v0

Too lazy to recreate gridworld from the book. Using OpenAI Gym FrozenLake-v0 instead. See description here

In [4]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gym
In [5]:
env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')

Rename some members, but don't break stuff!

In [6]:
if not hasattr(env, 'nb_states'):  env.nb_states = env.env.nS
if not hasattr(env, 'nb_actions'): env.nb_actions = env.env.nA
if not hasattr(env, 'model'):      env.model = env.env.P

Eval random policy

In [7]:
policy = np.ones([env.nb_states, env.nb_actions]) / env.nb_actions
V_pi = iter_policy_eval(env, policy, gamma=1.0, theta=1e-8)
print(V_pi.reshape([4, -1]))
[[0.01393977 0.01163091 0.02095297 0.01047648]
 [0.01624865 0.         0.04075153 0.        ]
 [0.03480619 0.08816993 0.14205316 0.        ]
 [0.         0.17582037 0.43929118 0.        ]]

Check if correct

In [8]:
correct_V_pi = np.array([[0.0139398 , 0.01163093, 0.02095299, 0.01047649],
                         [0.01624867, 0.        , 0.04075154, 0.        ],
                         [0.0348062 , 0.08816993, 0.14205316, 0.        ],
                         [0.        , 0.17582037, 0.43929118, 0.        ]])
assert np.allclose(V_pi.reshape([4,-1]), correct_V_pi, )

Timing Test

In [9]:
%timeit iter_policy_eval(env, policy, gamma=1.0, theta=1e-8)
%timeit iter_policy_eval_vec(env, policy, gamma=1.0, theta=1e-8)
6.9 ms ± 69.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
1.1 ms ± 1.68 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)