$$ \huge{\underline{\textbf{ SARSA }}} $$

Implementation of SARSA
from Sutton and Barto 2018, chapter 6.4.
Book available for free here

From Sutton and Barto (2018) _Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction_, chapter 6.4

In [1]:
def sarsa(env, ep, gamma, alpha, eps):
    """Sarsa (on-policy TD control)
        env - environment
        ep - number of episodes to run
        gamma - discount factor [0..1]
        alpha - step size (0..1]
        eps - epsilon-greedy param
    def policy(st, Q, eps):
        if np.random.rand() > eps:
            return argmax_rand([Q[st,a] for a in env.act_space])
            return np.random.choice(env.act_space)
    Q = defaultdict(float)  # default zero for all, terminal MUST be zero
    for _ in range(ep):
        S = env.reset()
        A = policy(S, Q, eps)
        while True:
            S_, R, done = env.step(A)
            A_ = policy(S_, Q, eps)
            Q[S,A] = Q[S,A] + alpha * (R + gamma * Q[S_,A_] - Q[S,A])
            S, A = S_, A_
            if done: break
    return Q

Helper functions:

In [2]:
def argmax_rand(arr):
    # break ties randomly, np.argmax() always picks first max
    return np.random.choice(np.flatnonzero(arr == np.max(arr)))

Example 6.5

Solve Windy Gridworld

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import defaultdict
from helpers_0604 import plot_windy

Auxiliary code here: helpers_0604.py

Let's define environment - x, y convention is as per figure

In [4]:
class WindyGridworld:
    def __init__(self):
        self.act_space = [0, 1, 2, 3]  # LEFT = 0, DOWN = 1, RIGHT = 2, UP = 3
    def reset(self):
        self._x, self._y = 0, 3        # agent initial position
        return (0, 3)
    def step(self, action):
        # actions: LEFT = 0, DOWN = 1, RIGHT = 2, UP = 3
        self._x, self._y = self.transition(self._x, self._y, action)
        if self._x == 7 and self._y == 3:        # GOAL reached
            return (self._x, self._y), -1, True  # observation, reward, done
        return (self._x, self._y), -1, False     # obs, rew, done 
    def transition(self, x, y, action):
        """Perform transition from [x,y] given action"""
        if x in [3,4,5,8]:  y += 1    # windy
        if x in [6,7]:      y += 2    # woo, very windy
        if action == 0:    x -= 1     # left
        elif action == 1:  y -= 1     # down
        elif action == 2:  x += 1     # right
        elif action == 3:  y += 1     # up
        else: raise ValueError('Action must be in [0,1,2,3]')
        x = np.clip(x, 0, 9)   # x range is [0..9]
        y = np.clip(y, 0, 6)   # y range is [0..6]
        return x, y
    def get_path(self, Q):
        x, y = 0, 3       # agent starting position
        path = [(x, y)]   # save starting position
        for _ in range(100):  # limit steps in case policy is loopy
            A_star = np.argmax([Q[(x,y),a] for a in [0, 1, 2, 3]])   # pick best action
            x, y = self.transition(x, y, A_star)         # take one step
            path.append((x,y))                            # save to path
            if x == 7 and y == 3:  break                 # if goal: break
        return path

Create environment

In [5]:
env = WindyGridworld()

Solve. Note that 10k episodes doesn't always find optimal policy.

In [14]:
Q = sarsa(env, 10000, gamma=1., alpha=.5, eps=.1)


In [15]:
optimal_path = env.get_path(Q)
plot_windy(Q, optimal_path)

Recreate Example 6.5 figures

Mini figure

This assume previous section computed optimal Q correctly, if not repeat or increase nb episodes.

In [16]:
plot_windy(Q=None, path=optimal_path, saveimg=None)  # 'assets/fig_0604a.png'

Episodes Figure

First, we need to extend sarsa so we can keep track which episode we are in on each time step. We also want to be able to limit number of timesteps.

In [17]:
def sarsa_ext(env, ep, gamma, alpha, eps, max_time_steps=None):
    def policy(st, Q, eps):
        if np.random.rand() > eps:
            return argmax_rand([Q[st,a] for a in env.act_space])
            return np.random.choice(env.act_space)
    hist_ep = []   # current episode nb saved on each time step
    Q = defaultdict(float)  # default zero for all, terminal MUST be zero
    for current_episode in range(ep):
        S = env.reset()
        A = policy(S, Q, eps)
        while True:
            S_, R, done = env.step(A)
            A_ = policy(S_, Q, eps)
            Q[S,A] = Q[S,A] + alpha * (R + gamma * Q[S_,A_] - Q[S,A])
            S, A = S_, A_
            # Change! keep track of episode number history
            if max_time_steps is not None:
                if len(hist_ep) >= max_time_steps:
                    return Q, hist_ep
            if done: break
    return Q, hist_ep

Repeat experiment

In [18]:
Q, hist_ep = sarsa_ext(env, 10000, gamma=1., alpha=.5, eps=.1, max_time_steps=8000)

And plot figure

In [19]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(hist_ep, color='red')
ax.set_xlabel('Time Steps')