$$ \Huge{\underline{\mathbf{ Model \ Free \ Prediction \ - \ Part \ 2 }}} $$


Part II of algorithms presented in Lecture 4 of UCL RL course by David Silver. Part I is here.

In part I we explored some basic MC and TD algorithms. Both MC and TD are just special cases of broader class of algorithms, which we will implement in this notebook.


  • As in Part I, we are doing fixed-policy evaluation, no policy improvement
  • Note that only Backward View TD(λ) is applicable in real world. N-Step and Forward TD(λ) are extremely slow.



1D Corridor

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict

Blackjack environment is all good, but it allows for trajectories max 2-3 steps long. To better demonstrate N-Step and TD(λ) we will need environment that is still simple, but allows for longer trajectories. As per lectures we will use a 1D corridor.

There are 21 possible states:

  • 0 - left-side terminal state
  • 1-9 normal states
  • 10 - start state
  • 11-19 - normal
  • 20 - right-side terminal state

The code below defines simple corridor environment. It tries to be compatible with OpenAI Gym API.

In [2]:
class LinearEnv:
    Allowed states are:
    State id: [ 0 ... 10 ... 20 ]
    Type:     [ T ...  S ...  T ]
    Reward:   [-1  0   0  0   1 ]
    def __init__(self):
        size = 19
        self._max_left = 1      # last non-terminal state to the left
        self._max_right = size  # last non-terminal state to the right
        self._start_state = (size // 2) + 1

    def reset(self):
        self._state = self._start_state
        self._done = False
        return self._state

    def step(self, action):
        if self._done: return (self._state, 0, True)  # We are done
        if action not in [-1, 1]: raise ValueError('Invalid action')

        self._state += action
        obs = self._state
        if self._state > self._max_right:
            reward = +1
            self._done = True
        elif self._state < self._max_left:
            reward = -1
            self._done = True
            reward = 0
            self._done = False
        return (obs, reward, self._done)

Let's establish some ground truth reference for random policy.

In [3]:
GROUND_TRUTH = np.arange(-20, 22, 2) / 20.0
array([ 0. , -0.9, -0.8, -0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1,  0. ,
        0.1,  0.2,  0.3,  0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7,  0.8,  0.9,  0. ])

Finally, let's create environment and some helper variables. Dictionaries are used to keep data for plotting.

In [4]:
env = LinearEnv()
st_shape = [21]    # shape of state space

Helper Functions

Let's get helper functions out of the way.

In [5]:
def policy(St):
    return np.random.choice([-1, 1])

def generate_episode(env, policy):
    """Generate one complete episode
        env - agent environment
        policy - function: policy(state) -> action
    trajectory = []
    done = True
    while True:
        # === time step starts ===
        if done:
            St, Rt, done = env.reset(), None, False
            St, Rt, done = env.step(At)   
        At = policy(St)
        trajectory.append((St, Rt, done, At))
        if done:
        # === time step ends here ===
    return trajectory

To better compare algorithms, for each algorithm we will perform multiple evaluation runs, and then plot everything together. We want to plot final state-values for random policy and how error between evaluated values and ground truth decreases with each episode. To do this we will save state-values after every episode.

LogEntry keeps track of data generated in one evaluation run. Especially V_hist is an array with state-values saved after every episode.

In [6]:
class LogEntry:
    """Data log for one evaluation or training run, e.g. 100 episodes"""
    def __init__(self, type_, color, V_hist):
        self.type = type_     # string, e.g. 'monte carlo'
        self.color = color    # plot color, e.g. 'red'
        self.V_hist = V_hist  # history of state-values

And a plotting function. log param is an array of LogEntry, truth_ref is array with correct state-values.

In [7]:
def plot_all_experiments(log, truth_ref):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[18,6])
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)

    ax1.plot(truth_ref[1:-1], color='gray')
    for le in log:
        ax1.plot(le.V_hist[-1][1:-1], color=le.color, alpha=0.4)
        errors = np.sum((truth_ref - le.V_hist)**2, axis=-1)
        ax2.plot(errors, color=le.color, alpha=0.1)

    ax1.set_title('Estimated State-Values')
    ax2.set_title('Ground Truth Error')

Running-Mean Monte-Carlo

We will compare all algorithms in offline versions first. This makes code more similar. Implementation of online versions is included at the end of the post.

We will follow same pattern for all algorithms:

  • First, wrap single experiment into function
  • Call multiple times to gather data

MC and TD algorithms are the same as in previous post. They are presented here again as reference.

In [8]:
def mc_prediction(env, policy, N, alpha):
    hist = []
    V = np.zeros(st_shape)
    for ep in range(N):
        trajectory = generate_episode(env, policy)
        Gt = trajectory[-1][1]  # shortcut (see note in part 1)
        for St, _, _, _ in trajectory[:-1]:
            V[St] = V[St] + alpha * (Gt - V[St])
    return np.array(hist)

We are doing only 50 steps of evaluation to exaggerate difference between algorithms

In [9]:
log = []  # list of LogEntry for every experment we run

for run_nb in range(50):
    hist = mc_prediction(env, policy, N=50, alpha=0.01)
    log.append(LogEntry('mc', 'red', hist))
plot_all_experiments(log, GROUND_TRUTH)

Temporal-Difference Learning

Applied offline for better consistency with algorithms. As with MC, this algorithm was presented in previous part so we won't dwell in detail.

In [10]:
def td_prediction(env, policy, N, alpha):
    hist = []
    V = np.zeros(st_shape)
    for ep in range(N):
        trajectory = generate_episode(env, policy)
        for t in range(len(trajectory)-1):
            St, _, _, _ = trajectory[t]
            St_1, Rt_1, _, _ = trajectory[t+1]
            V[St] = V[St] + alpha * (Rt_1 + 1.0*V[St_1] - V[St])
    return np.array(hist)
In [11]:
for run_nb in range(50):
    hist = td_prediction(env, policy, N=50, alpha=0.2)
    log.append(LogEntry('td', 'blue', hist))
plot_all_experiments(log, GROUND_TRUTH)

Clearly, TD is has dramatically lower variance. And is more efficient.

N-Step Return

Here is where all the fun begins. We need to be able to calculate $G_t^{(n)}$ for any n. For example, n=3 will back up 3-steps and $V(S_{t+3})$

Firstly, we have been hacking the way we were computing return $ G_t $ so far.

  • In case of MC - we noticed that with discount $ \gamma = 1 $ and all reward received in terminal state we can simplify $ G_t = R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + ... $ to $ G_t = R_{t=T} $
  • In case of TD - there was no need to calculate full return $ G_t $

For N-Step, and Forward TD(λ) algorithms we will need to calculate n-step return $ G_t^{(n)} $ at each time step. We will no longer hack it, instead we introduce function that, give full trajectory, can compute $ G_t^{(n)} $ correctly. From the lectures:

$$ G_t^{(n)} = R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma^2 R_{t+3} + ... + \gamma^n V(S_{t+n}) $$

Inputs to our function are as follows:

  • trajectory - a list of tuples, one for each time step. Each tuple is (obs, reward, done, act):
    • observation [int] - state visited at time step t
    • reward [float] - reward received at time step t
    • done [bool] - is time step t terminal? (this is unused, but useful for debug)
    • action [int] - action picked by agent, -1 or 1
  • V - 1d array of float, current estimates of state-values, terminal states must have value 0
  • t - time step to evaluate
  • disc - discount rate, usually denoted as γ, in this particular case it's 1 anyways
  • nstep - number of steps to include in return $G_t^{(n)}$. It is possible to pass float('inf') as nstep, in such case function will compute $G_t$ instead (including all steps in trajectory, disregarding of trajectory length).
In [12]:
def calc_Gt(trajectory, V, t, disc, nstep=float('inf')):
    """Calculates return for state t, using n future steps.
        traj - complete trajectory, each time-step should be tuple:
            (observation, reward, done, action)
        V (float arr) - state-values, V[term_state] must be zero!
        t (int [t, T-1]) - calc Gt for this time step in trajectory,
            0 is initial state; T-1 is last non-terminal state
        disc - discrount, usually noted as gamma
        n (int or +inf, [1, +inf]) - n-steps of reward to accumulate
                If n >= T then calculate full return for state t
                For n == 1 this equals to TD return
                For n == +inf this equals to MC return

    T = len(trajectory)-1   # terminal state
    max_j = min(t+nstep, T) # last state iterated, inclusive
    tmp_disc = 1.0          # this will decay with rate disc
    Gt = 0                  # result

    # Iterate from t+1 to t+nstep or T (inclusive on both start and finish)
    for j in range(t+1, max_j+1):
        Rj = trajectory[j][1]  # traj[j] is (obs, reward, done, action)
        Gt += tmp_disc * Rj
        tmp_disc *= disc

    # Note that V[Sj] will have state-value of state t+nstep or
    # zero if t+nstep >= T as V[St=T] must equal 0
    Sj = trajectory[j][0]  # traj[j] is (obs, reward, done, action)
    Gt += tmp_disc * V[Sj]

    return Gt

Run experiment exactly as before, replace target with Gt

In [13]:
def nstep_prediction(env, policy, N, alpha, nstep):
    hist = []
    V = np.zeros(st_shape)

    for ep in range(N):
        trajectory = generate_episode(env, policy)
        for t in range(len(trajectory)-1):  # never evaluate terminal states (see note #3)
            St, _, _, _ = trajectory[t]
            Gt = calc_Gt(trajectory, V, t, disc=1.0, nstep=nstep)
            V[St] = V[St] + alpha * (Gt - V[St])
    return np.array(hist)
In [14]:
for run_nb in range(50):
    # hist = nstep_experiment(N=50, alpha=0.01, nstep=float('inf'))  # same as MC
    # hist = nstep_experiment(N=50, alpha=0.2, nstep=1)              # same as TD
    hist = nstep_prediction(env, policy, N=50, alpha=0.1, nstep=3)   # tune for best result
    log.append(LogEntry('nstep', 'magenta', hist))
plot_all_experiments(log, GROUND_TRUTH)

Forward View TD(λ)

Even more fun with TD(λ)! As concepts are well explained in David Silver lectures I won't repeat it here. Basically we are going to replace target from $G_t^{(n)}$ to $G_t^\lambda$.

Let's bring some diagrams from the lectures

And equation

$$ G_t^\lambda = (1-\lambda)\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\lambda^{n-1}G_t^{(n)} $$

which is same as

$$G_t^\lambda = (1-\lambda)\sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1}\left[ \lambda^{n-1}G_t^{(n)} \right] + \lambda^{T-t-1}G_t$$

If above transition looks a bit furry, see extended proof in the appendix at the end.

Note that we are truncating computation when lambda becomes too small. This speeds up computation a lot.

In [15]:
def td_lambda_fwd_prediction(env, policy, N, alpha, lmbda):
    hist = []
    V = np.zeros(st_shape)

    for ep in range(N):
        trajectory = generate_episode(env, policy)
        for t in range(len(trajectory)-1):
            lambda_trunctuate = 1e-3  # optional optimization
            St, _, _, _ = trajectory[t]
            Gt_lambda = 0
            T = len(trajectory)-1  # terminal state
            max_n = T-t-1          # inclusive
            # Left-hand side of equation
            lmbda_iter = 1         # decays with rate lmbda
            for nstep in range(1, max_n+1):
                Gtn = calc_Gt(trajectory, V, t, disc=1.0, nstep=nstep)
                Gt_lambda += lmbda_iter * Gtn
                lmbda_iter *= lmbda
                if lmbda_iter < lambda_trunctuate:  # optional optimization
                    break                           # optional optimization
            Gt_lambda *= (1 - lmbda)
            # Right-hand side of equation
            if lmbda_iter >= lambda_trunctuate:                                # "if" is optional
                Gt_lambda += lmbda_iter * calc_Gt(trajectory, V, t, disc=1.0)  # but this stays!
            V[St] = V[St] + alpha * (Gt_lambda - V[St])
    return np.array(hist)

This will take couple seconds at least (over 30sec w/o lambda trunctuation)

In [16]:
for run_nb in range(50):
    # hist = td_lambda_fwd_prediction(env, policy, N=100, alpha=0.01, lmbda=1)  # same as MC, slow!
    # hist = td_lambda_fwd_prediction(env, policy, N=100, alpha=0.2, lmbda=0)   # same as TD
    hist = td_lambda_fwd_prediction(env, policy, N=50, alpha=0.2, lmbda=0.4)  # tiny better than n-step?
    log.append(LogEntry('td_lambda_fwd', 'orange', hist))
plot_all_experiments(log, GROUND_TRUTH)

Backward View TD(λ)

As before, let's bring in equations from lectures as reference

$ \quad\quad E_0(s) = 0 $

$ \quad\quad E_t(s) = \gamma \lambda E_{t-1}(s) + \mathbf{1}(S_t=s) $

$ \quad\quad \rho_t = R_{t+1} + \gamma V(S_{t+1}) - V(S_t) $

$ \quad\quad V(s) = \leftarrow V(s) + \alpha \rho_t E_t(s) $

If updates were to accumulated and performed once after the episode above would be equivalent to Forward TD(λ). Note that even though we are performing updates offline, we are not accumulating updates in either case, so I'm not sure if exact equivalence holds in this particular implementation.

If you are given equations, implementation is not too difficult

In [17]:
def td_lambda_bwd_prediction(env, policy, N, alpha, lmbda):
    hist = []
    V = np.zeros(st_shape)
    E = np.zeros(st_shape)  # eligibility traces
    for ep in range(N):
        E *= 0                              # reset every new episode
        trajectory = generate_episode(env, policy)
        for t in range(len(trajectory)-1):  # never evaluate terminal states (see note #3)
            St, _, _, _ = trajectory[t]
            St_1, Rt_1, _, _ = trajectory[t+1]
            E *= lmbda  # decay
            E[St] += 1  # increment
            ro_t = Rt_1 + 1.0 * V[St_1] - V[St]            
            V += alpha * ro_t * E
    return np.array(hist)
In [18]:
for run_nb in range(50):
    # hist = td_lambda_bwd_prediction(env, policy, N=100, alpha=0.01, lmbda=1)  # same as MC
    # hist = td_lambda_bwd_prediction(env, policy, N=100, alpha=0.2, lmbda=0)  # same as TD
    hist = td_lambda_bwd_prediction(env, policy, N=50, alpha=0.2, lmbda=0.4)
    log.append(LogEntry('td_lambda_bwd', 'green', hist))
plot_all_experiments(log, GROUND_TRUTH)

Online TD

Normally, TD and Backward TD(λ) would be implemented online. This section provides simple reference implementation of both.

Let's clear the log for clarity.

In [19]:
log = []

This is the same as TD from part 1 post

In [20]:
def td_online_prediction(env, policy, N, alpha):
    hist = []
    V = np.zeros(st_shape)
    for ep in range(N):
        trajectory = []
        done = True
        while True:
            # === time step starts ===
            if done:
                obs, reward, done = env.reset(), None, False
                obs, reward, done = env.step(action)
            # perform TD update from the perspective of previous step
            # PREVIOUS STEP is t, CURRENT STEP is t+1
            if len(trajectory) >= 2:  # 
                St, _, _, _ = trajectory[-1]
                St_1, Rt_1 = obs, reward
                V[St] = V[St] + alpha * (Rt_1 + V[St_1] - V[St])

            action = policy(obs)
            trajectory.append((obs, reward, done, action))
            if done: break
            # === time step ends here ===
    return np.array(hist)
In [21]:
for run_nb in range(50):
    hist = td_online_prediction(env, policy, N=50, alpha=0.2)
    log.append(LogEntry('td_online', 'blue', hist))
plot_all_experiments(log, GROUND_TRUTH)

Online TD(λ)

In [22]:
def td_lambda_bwd_online_experiment(env, policy, N, alpha, lmbda):
    hist = []
    V = np.zeros(st_shape)
    E = np.zeros(st_shape)
    for ep in range(N):
        E *= 0
        trajectory = []
        done = True
        while True:
            # === time step starts ===
            if done:
                obs, reward, done = env.reset(), None, False
                obs, reward, done = env.step(action)
            # perform TD update from the perspective of previous step
            # PREVIOUS STEP is t, CURRENT STEP is t+1
            if len(trajectory) >= 2:  # 
                St, _, _, _ = trajectory[-1]
                St_1, Rt_1 = obs, reward
                E *= lmbda  # decay
                E[St] += 1  # increment
                ro_t = Rt_1 + 1.0 * V[St_1] - V[St]            
                V += alpha * ro_t * E
                # V[St] = V[St] + alpha * (Rt_1 + V[St_1] - V[St])

            action = policy(obs)
            trajectory.append((obs, reward, done, action))
            if done: break
            # === time step ends here ===
    return np.array(hist)
In [23]:
for run_nb in range(50):
    # hist = td_lambda_bwd_online_experiment(env, policy, N=100, alpha=0.01, lmbda=1)  # same as MC
    # hist = td_lambda_bwd_online_experiment(env, policy, N=100, alpha=0.2, lmbda=0)  # same as TD
    hist = td_lambda_bwd_online_experiment(env, policy, N=50, alpha=0.2, lmbda=0.4)
    log.append(LogEntry('td_lambda_bwd_online', 'green', hist))
plot_all_experiments(log, GROUND_TRUTH)

Proof for λ-return with finite time horizon

$ G_t^\lambda = (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} = $

Because $G_t^{(n)} = G_t$ if n is large enough to "go over" episode length

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=T-t}^{\infty} \lambda^{n-1} \color{blue}{ G_t^{(n)} } \color{black} = $

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=T-t}^{\infty} \lambda^{n-1} \color{blue}{ G_t } \color{black} = $

Now let's substitute $ n = n'+T-t-1 \ \rightarrow \ n'=1 $

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + (1-\lambda) \sum_{n'=1}^{\infty} \lambda^{n'+T-t-1-1} G_t = $

Break down λ

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + (1-\lambda) \sum_{n'=1}^{\infty} \lambda^{n'-1} \lambda^{T-t-1} G_t = $

And take before sum

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + \lambda^{T-t-1} G_t (1-\lambda) \sum_{n'=1}^{\infty} \lambda^{n'-1} = $

From sum of infinite geometric series we get

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + \lambda^{T-t-1} G_t (1-\lambda) \color{blue}{ \sum_{n'=1}^{\infty} \lambda^{n'-1} } \color{black} = $

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + \lambda^{T-t-1} G_t (1-\lambda) \color{blue}{ \frac{1}{(1-\lambda)} }\color{black} = $

$ (1-\lambda) \sum_{n=1}^{T-t-1} \left[ \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \right] + \lambda^{T-t-1} G_t $