$$ \huge{\underline{\textbf{ Model Free Control - Off Policy }}} $$
$$ \Large{\textbf{ Part 2: Expectation Based Methods }} $$
Expectation Based Methods
This post roughly corresponds to part 2 of Lecture 5 of UCL RL course by David Silver.
We will explore off-policy algorithms as per videos. In this part we focus on Q-Learning and expectation based algorithms. In next part we deal with importance sampling. In addition to Q-Learning we will look into Expected SARSA (1-step off-policy) and Tree Backup (n-step off-policy) algorithms.
As terminology can be a bit confusing, let's have a quick look at our little zoo of RL algorithms
To better explain differences between On-Policy, Expectation and Importance Sampling, let's consider a mini-MDP below
Let's consider state-action values in reverse order:
$$ Q(S,f) = 1 + .5*Q(R,l) + .5*Q(R,r) = 1 + 5 + 50 = 56 $$
For each algorithm we will show different ways we can backup
$$ Q(S,f) \leftarrow Q(R,l), Q(R,r) $$
But first let's get some setup code out of the way
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Environment is exactly the same as in previous post
from ModelFreeControl_Part1 import LinearEnv, REF_RANDOM, REF_GREEDY
Let's create environment and policies for future use
env = LinearEnv()
pi_random = np.tile([0.50, 0.50], [11, 1]) # starting random policy
pi_greedy = np.tile([0.00, 1.00], [11, 1]) # optimal greedy policy
pi_skewed = np.tile([0.40, 0.60], [11, 1]) # will use this later
And import common functions, they are also exactly the same as in previous post
from ModelFreeControl_Part1 import generate_episode, LogEntry, plot_experiments
Puropose of this section is to show how good old SARSA works on our mini-MDP. Show problems with on-policy exploration, and then in subsequent sections we will show how Q-Learning, Expected SARSA and Importance Sampling solve these problems.
Code for SARSA was introduced in previous post. I repeat it here for convenience. We will treat SARSA, N-Step SARSA and MC Control as together. The main difference between them is backup length. Other than that, the underlying principle is the same:
SARSA update formula
$$ Q(S_t,A_t) \leftarrow Q(S_t,A_t) + \alpha \big[ \color{blue}{R_{t+1} + \gamma Q(S_{t+1},A_{t+1}) }\color{black}{} - Q(S_t,A_t) \big] $$
How does SARSA update $Q(S,f)$? By repeated sampling, for example for random policy sometimes we backup from $Q(R,l)$, sometimes from $Q(R,r)$. Becouse we update only a little bit (this is by $\alpha$) towards each target every time, value eventually settles on weighted average between $Q(R,l)$ and $Q(R,r)$ plus reward +1.
That is all nice and rosy as long as actually keep visiting all states. If policy is greedy, and it locks itself into always choosing left action before properly evaluating $Q(R,r)$ then agent is doomed, it will never discover big treasure.
This demonstrates the main problem with on-policy methods. We have to use $\epsilon$-greedy policy to guarantee continuous exploration. But when we use $\epsilon$-greedy agent will not achieve optimal performance. We could decay $\epsilon$ with time, but that brings practical issues with establishing correct schedule.
Let's import SARSA code from previous post and repeat the experiment.
from ModelFreeControl_Part1 import make_eps_greedy, mc_control, sarsa
log = []
for _ in range(5):
hist, perf = sarsa(env, pi_random, N=200, alpha=0.1, eps=0.1)
log.append(LogEntry('sarsa', hist, perf))
plot_experiments(log, REF_GREEDY, 'SARSA')
We could guarantee continuous exploration by starting episode at random state and with random first action every time and then following given policy. This would guarantee all state-action pairs are evaluated, and subsequently fix the problem we encountered above. After whole MDP is correctly evaluated we can switch off exploring starts and operate as normal in now solved MDP. This works disregarding if policy is greedy or not.
Problem with this is that it only works in small state spaces and usually can't be applied in real-world scenarios (how do you teleport robot into random initial states?).
Imagine yourself you are a wizard on a journey to find treasure. Tomorrow you will be allowed to enter mini-MDP for exactly one attempt to collect as much gold as possible. There will be no repeats. But being clever and powerful wizard, you figured out you can enter mini-MDP today in a ghost form, you won't be able collect gold today, but you can explore mini-MDP and prepare yourself for tomorrow. Actually you can enter it in a ghost form as many times as you want.
You want to make sure you explore all possible routes, so you follow random policy. But you are interested in maximum possible gold you can gather. So every time you visit a state-action pair you write down maximum possible gold you can collect from there onwards. After couple trials you note down values for $Q(R,l)$ and $Q(R,r)$ to be +10 and +100 respectively. Now you wonder what is max possible gold from $Q(S,f)$? Well, that is +1 gold coin, and then +100, because obviously on the actual trial tomorrow you will pick right door. So your backup looks like this
$$ Q(S,f) \leftarrow Q(S,f) + \alpha \big[ \color{blue}{R + \gamma \max[Q(R,l), Q(R,r)]} \color{black}{} - Q(S,f) \big] $$
Or more generally
$$ Q(S_t,A_t) \leftarrow Q(S_t,A_t) + \alpha \big[ \color{blue}{R_{t+1} + \gamma \max\limits_{a' \in A} Q(S_{t+1},a') }\color{black}{} - Q(S_t,A_t) \big] $$
Taa daa, and this is famous Q-Learning. Note that even if you had more choices form START state, then you know you can always get +101 reward by following action forward. Mini-MDP could be deeper, have more branches etc. same rules apply. If mini-MDP was nondeterministic, then you need to sample multiple times per action-value to properly estimate reward and environment dynamics, but other than that everything stays the same.
Let's modify SARSA as follows:
def q_learning(env, pol_beh, pol_tar, N, alpha):
hist, perf = [], []
Q = np.zeros(shape=[env.nb_st, env.nb_act])
for ep in range(N):
trajectory = generate_episode(env, pol_beh)
trajectory_2 = generate_episode(env, pol_tar)
for t in range(len(trajectory)-1):
St, _, _, At = trajectory[t]
St_1, Rt_1, _, At_1 = trajectory[t+1]
# target = Rt_1 + 1.0 * Q[St_1, At_1] # SARSA
target = Rt_1 + 1.0 * np.max(Q[St_1,:]) # Q-Learning
Q[St, At] = Q[St, At] + alpha * (target - Q[St, At])
pol_tar = make_eps_greedy(Q, eps=0.0) # eps always 0.0 to make policy greedy
return np.array(hist), np.array(perf)
log = []
for _ in range(5):
hist, perf = q_learning(env, pi_random, pi_random, N=200, alpha=0.1)
log.append(LogEntry('q_learning', hist, perf))
plot_experiments(log, REF_GREEDY, 'Q-Learning')
Woo, perfect performance.
In example above we keep behavioural policy random through whole learning process. Nothing stops us from improving behavioural policy as well. We could, for example follow $\epsilon$-greedy policy as behavioural - keep improving it towards "good" choices, but still allow for exploration. Actually, in most case we would not have explicit "policy" table, we would pick actions on the fly according to current Q-Values.
Let's assume we are performing SARSA updates while following random policy. Let's also assume $Q(R,l)$ and $Q(R,r)$ have been correctly evaluated already. There is alternative way to backup $Q(S,f)$ from $Q(R,l)$ and $Q(R,r)$. Namely we know what policy we are following. We know we will pick $Q(R,l)$ 50% of a time and $Q(R,r)$ 50% of a time. Then why not backup towards weighted average stright away?
$$ Q(S,f) \leftarrow Q(S,f) + \alpha \big[ \color{blue}{R + \gamma\pi(l|R)Q(R,l)+\gamma\pi(r|R)Q(R,r)} \color{black}{} - Q(S,f) \big] $$
Or more generally
$$ Q(S_t,A_t) \leftarrow Q(S_t,A_t) + \alpha \big[ \color{blue}{R_{t+1} + \gamma \sum_{a' \in A} \pi(a'|S_{t+1})Q(S_{t+1},a') }\color{black}{} - Q(S_t,A_t) \big] $$
Of course we still need to sample to learn about rewards at each time-step.
Now what if we want to follow one policy, and evaluate another one?
Going back to wizard example, let's assume different task, let's say oracle asks you to evaluate random policy, but you can always only follow skewed policy 40%/60% left/right (oracle knows if you cheat). You figure as follows:
Let's write some code, changes from q_learning are as follows:
def exp_sarsa(env, pol_beh, pol_tar, N, alpha, learn=True):
hist, perf = [], []
Q = np.zeros(shape=[env.nb_st, env.nb_act])
for ep in range(N):
trajectory = generate_episode(env, pol_beh)
trajectory_2 = generate_episode(env, pol_tar)
for t in range(len(trajectory)-1):
St, _, _, At = trajectory[t]
St_1, Rt_1, _, At_1 = trajectory[t+1]
# target = Rt_1 + 1.0 * Q[St_1, At_1] # SARSA
# target = Rt_1 + 1.0 * (pol_tar[St_1, 0]*Q[St_1, 0] + pol_tar[St_1, 1]*Q[St_1, 1]) # exp sarsa
target = Rt_1 + 1.0 * np.sum(pol_tar[St_1,:] * Q[St_1,:]) # exp sarsa, equivalent to above
Q[St, At] = Q[St, At] + alpha * (target - Q[St, At])
if learn: # set eps to None to disable improvement step
pol_tar = make_eps_greedy(Q, 0.0) # eps 0.0 makes policy greedy
return np.array(hist), np.array(perf)
Skewed behavioural policy, as per oracle task.
pi_skewed = np.tile([0.40, 0.60], [11, 1]) # go right a bit more often
And evaluate random policy while following skewed policy. With Expected SARSA we can set alpha to much higher value. Actually, because our MDP is fully deterministic, we can safely set it all the way to 1.0.
log = []
for _ in range(5):
hist, perf = exp_sarsa(env, pi_skewed, pi_random, N=200, alpha=1.0, learn=False)
log.append(LogEntry('follow-skew-eval-rand', hist, perf))
plot_experiments(log, REF_RANDOM, 'Expected SARSA - Follow Skewed, Eval Random')
Notice low variance. Even though we are following skewed policy, expectation based backups converge much quicker than equivalent sample based backups. Compare this with TD Prediction from previous part
Enable learning. With greedy target policy (eps internally set to zero) this is equivalent to Q-Learning
log = []
for _ in range(5):
hist, perf = exp_sarsa(env, pi_random, pi_random, N=200, alpha=1.0, learn=True)
log.append(LogEntry('exp-sarsa', hist, perf))
plot_experiments(log, REF_GREEDY, 'Expected SARSA Control')
There are two n-step extensions to Expected SARSA: N-Step Expected SARSA (on-policy) and Tree Backup (off-policy). Here we only describe Tree Backup
Above is a quick comparison of Expected SARSA and Tree Backup. Nodes over which we calculate expectations are marked in green. In Tree Backup we use expectation at every time step. You can use fixed number of steps (e.g. nstep=5) or follow full trajectory (nstep=inf).
For more details, see Sutton and Barto (2018), chapter 7.5 "Off-policy Learning Without Importance Sampling: The n-step Tree Backup Algorithm".
Note that this is not exact replica of algorithm in the book. Most important differences:
def tree_backup(env, pol_beh, pol_tar, N, alpha, nstep=float('inf'), learn=True):
hist, perf = [], []
Q = np.zeros(shape=[env.nb_st, env.nb_act])
for ep in range(N):
trajectory = generate_episode(env, pol_beh)
trajectory_2 = generate_episode(env, pol_tar)
for t in range(len(trajectory)-1):
St, _, _, At = trajectory[t]
disc = 1.0 # discount, tested with disc==1.0 only!
T = len(trajectory)-1 # terminal state
max_j = min(t+nstep, T) # last state iterated, inclusive
tmp_disc = 1.0 # this will decay
pol_mult = 1.0
target = 0
# weights = 0 # debug
# Iterate from t+1 to t+nstep or T (inclusive start and finish)
for j in range(t+1, max_j+1):
Sj, Rj, _, Aj = trajectory[j]
if j != max_j:
# not-last-step, backup all Act != At
target += tmp_disc * pol_mult * (Rj + disc * (np.sum(pol_tar[Sj,:] * Q[Sj,:]) \
- pol_tar[Sj,Aj] * Q[Sj,Aj]))
# weights += pol_mult * (np.sum(pol_tar[Sj,:]) - pol_tar[Sj,Aj]) # debug
# last step, backup all
target += tmp_disc * pol_mult * (Rj + disc * np.sum(pol_tar[Sj,:] * Q[Sj,:]))
# weights += pol_mult * np.sum(pol_tar[Sj,:]) # debug
tmp_disc *= disc
pol_mult *= pol_tar[Sj, Aj]
# assert weights == 1 # debug
Q[St, At] = Q[St, At] + alpha * (target - Q[St, At])
if learn: # set eps to None to disable improvement step
pol_tar = make_eps_greedy(Q, 0.0) # eps 0.0 makes policy greedy
return np.array(hist), np.array(perf)
Evaluate random policy while following skewed policy. With nstep set to "1" Tree Backup is equivalent to Expected Sarsa
log = []
for _ in range(5):
# hist, perf = tree_backup(env, pi_skewed, pi_random, N=200, alpha=1, nstep=1, learn=False)
hist, perf = tree_backup(env, pi_skewed, pi_random, N=200, alpha=1, nstep=5, learn=False)
log.append(LogEntry('tree-backup', hist, perf))
plot_experiments(log, REF_RANDOM, 'Tree Backup - Follow Skewed, Eval. Random')
Improve target policy to be greedy. Perhaps we could call this N-Step Q-Learning?
Note that if target policy is greedy, then algorithm will backup steps up to a point where greedy policy diverges from actual steps taken.
log = []
for _ in range(5):
hist, perf = tree_backup(env, pi_skewed, pi_random, N=200, alpha=1, nstep=5, learn=True)
log.append(LogEntry('tree-backup', hist, perf))
plot_experiments(log, REF_GREEDY, 'Tree Backup Control')