Simple implementations of basic neural networks in both Keras and PyTorch
Quick implementation of basic neural network building blocks in pure NumPy
Single-Layer Perceptron used to solve binary classification task. Trained on college admission dataset.
Code: NumPy
Feedforward Multi-Layer Perceptron used to solve regression task. Trained on bike-rental dataset.
Code: NumPy
Feedforward Multi-Layer Perceptron used to solve image classification task. Trained on Fashion-MNIST dataset.
Code: NumPy
Recurrent Neural Network used as a counter. This RNN has many-to-one arrangement. Dataset is synthetic. Both unfolded and recurrent implementations.
Code not tidied.
Code: NumPy
Character-level Recurrent Neural Network used to generate novel text. This RNN has many-to-many arrangement. Dataset is composed of 300 dinosaur names.
Code not tidied.
Code: NumPy
Vision Basics
Small convolutional neural network used for image classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Images are RGB 32x32 pixels.
Code: Keras
Small convnet with data augmentation to reduce overfitting on CIFAR-10 dataset.
Code: Keras
ResNet-50 implemented from scratch using Keras functional API. Then trained from scratch on Oxford VGG Flowers 17 dataset.
Code: Keras
Pre-trained DenseNet-201 is further trained on Oxford VGG Flowers 102 dataset. Bottleneck features are extracted and only classifier is trained.
Code: PyTorch
Mini Projects
NLP Basics
Vanilla RNN trained to perform time series prediction on sine wave.
Code: PyTorch
Char-level LSTM trained to generate new text trained on Shakespeare plays.
Code: PyTorch
Example how to train embedding layer using Word2Vec Skipgram. Trained on popular wiki8 dataset
Code: PyTorch
Mini Projects
Word-level LSTM trained to generate predict if movie review is positive or negative. Uses IMDB Movie Reviews dataset
Code: PyTorch
Two models are trained to perform English to French translation.
• Many-to-Many (m2m)
• Sequence-to-Sequence (s2s)
Code: Keras (m2m) Keras (s2s)
Implementaitons of simple GAN architectures